Always Ready for an Adventure

with feet on fire & camera packed

Sometimes I feel like there isn't enough hours in the day for everything I'd like to do and experience. Because I'm the happiest when I'm on the go.

And roaming through fields and forests with my two crazy huskies belongs to my daily non-negotiable essentials!

I enjoy everything even remotely nostalgic, like an evening sun and how it shines on summer evenings or old forgotten B&W photographs of what life used to be "back in the day".

eternal storyteller

I found my happiness and true purpose in bringing others joy in sessions that stop the world from spinning. Sessions that bring joy and space to enjoy the most precious thing you own - your family.

In the rushed world focused on perfection I love to go exactly the opposite direction - creating calmness and space to embrace that beautiful chaos of real life that allows you to take in all your spontaneous moments.

Get in touch

My life. My purpose.

And Sometimes I like to Stand in Front of a Camera Too...

Maybe I'm not a typical photographer claiming how uncomfortable it is to be the photographed subject because I actually quite enjoy it! One of my most therapeutical hobbies is to take sunrise or sunset walks with my camera and tripod and create self portraits on whatever topic or theme I'm currently daydreaming about. It allows me to experiment and push my creativity. And this practice even helped me develop a deeper understanding for how you feel when you come to the session, teaching me how to better direct you so that you enjoy your time in front of my camera more authentically and without pressure.

Want to book a session?

let's connect! I'm excited to hear what you're made of